Just where on earth is CA3?
/ News + views / Posted by Noel
It's been rather long time since we last posted on our blog. So long in fact, you'd be forgiven for thinking we'd disappeared off the face of the earth.
Thankfully though, the truth is we've had a very busy and enjoyable time of late, with projects coming out of our ears, as well as some great new clients and challenging pitches.
Top of the pops recently is a large onboarding website for RBS graduates. Launching in the next few weeks, it provides the perfect environment for graduates to develop a deeper understanding of RBS, chat to each other, and ensure they hit the ground running on day one.
Hot on RBS's heels is issue two of the EMC internal magazine, written for employees by employees (or more accurately, written by employees and then crafted, honed and spell-checked by us :)
We also had the pleasure of taking a table at, and a number of lovely clients to, the Target National Graduate Awards. A great night, and a rather lot of champers, was had by all.
There's no rest for the wicked though. We're waiting to hear on our three (yes, three) CIPD entries and we've two more pitches coming up this month alone (plus a pub raffle).
With so much on the horizon, we know it's going to be a very busy summer for CA3 and our rapidly growing associate base. We only hope the raffle ticket comes in so we can afford to celebrate too!
Of course there's also been our CD's prerequisite ski trip, and
subsequent ski video.
Do him a favour and watch it will you ;)