I was lucky enough to be asked to judge at the final round of the CIPDRMAs a few weeks back. Wednesdays gong-fest, like all awards, left some people celebrating and many more thinking 'Why did that win?!'. In my opinion, here's why.
CIPDRMAs - A Judges viewDeutsche Bank wanted to engage with students in the UK, US and Australia, and educate them about opportunities in Asia. Limited time, limited budget and a 'no microsite' policy made this a very interesting project for CA3.
Deutsche Bank's Asia Opps AppA few weeks ago I had the pleasure of judging the final stage of the CIPD Recruitment Marketing Awards. I thought it would be a great idea to go through a few of the categories and results that were the most interesting and give my opinion (and I stress it is my opinion) on why they took home a gong... or didn't.
CIPDs - A judges viewNext